Story Mastery with Michael Hauge
Tutor: Michael Hauge
Date: January 25th & 26th 2022
Duration: 2 x half days (5pm – 9pm each day)
Venue: Online
Cost: €100
Course Profile:
Screen Skills Ireland and Screen Skillnet are delighted to bring renowned script consultant and story expert Michael Hauge to Irish writers and creators. According to Will Smith, “No one is better than Michael Hauge at finding what is most authentic in every moment of a story.”
Michael will present his unique approach to creating compelling stories for film and fiction. Drawing on his decades as a Hollywood script consultant, author and lecturer, he will show the most powerful methods for eliciting emotion in your readers and audiences through story concept, plot structure, character development and theme.
You will learn:
- The primary goal of all story
- Turning plot structure from a complicated concept into a simple, powerful tool you can easily apply to every story
- The power of desire, need, longing and destiny
- The essential conflict all characters must face
- Novel structure vs. movie structure
- The single key to creating character arc and theme
- The secret to creating unique, believable and fulfilling love stories
- The most effective process for adapting novels into film
- The single biggest mistake writers make while pitching their work
Each workshop will be comprised of a 4 hour seminar that will include time for Q&A.
Participant Profile:
Participants must have industry track record with at least one paid professional producing/writing/development credit (which can be in television, film, theatre, radio etc.)
Screen Skills Ireland and Screen Skillnet courses are open to all regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
Application Procedure:
Please apply online through the Screen Skills Ireland website by noon on Friday December 3rd. Queries about the website should be sent to Other queries to or
Tutor Bio:
Michael Hauge works with people who want to change more lives, and make more money, by telling compelling stories. He has been one of Hollywood’s top coaches and story experts for more than 40 years, and has worked with countless screenwriters, novelists and filmmakers. He has consulted on projects starring (among many others) Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise and Reese Witherspoon.
Applying those same, powerful storytelling principles, Michael also coaches independent consultants, speakers, marketers, entrepreneurs and business leaders on using story to transform the lives of their audiences, clients and customers.
Michael is the best selling author of Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds: The Guaranteed Way to Get Your Screenplay or Novel Read, as well as the 20th Anniversary Edition of his classic book Writing Screenplays That Sell. His latest book, Storytelling Made Easy: Persuade and Transform Your Audiences, Buyers and Clients – Simply, Quickly and Profitably, was an instant best seller on Amazon, and was among the top 100 Kindle in all categories on the day it was released.
Michael has presented seminars, lectures and keynotes in person and online to more than 500,000 participants worldwide.
According to Will Smith, “No one is better than Michael Hauge at finding what is most authentic in every moment of a story.”
- 25th January 2022 - 26th January 2022
9:30 am - 4:30 pm