As of January 2023, Animation Skillnet, Screen Skillnet and Immersive Technologies Skillnet have joined forces to form a new consolidated and expanded Skillnet Network called Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet.

All future courses, events and activities will be delivered through this new network. Find out more about Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet

Please explore the FAQ’s below to learn more about our Network. If your query is not answered, please contact and we’ll be happy to help you.

What is Screen Skillnet?

Screen Skillnet is a learning organization funded through the Department of Further and Higher Education. The objective of this national network is to support the growth of Ireland’s Film, TV and Post-Production sectors through the provision of subsidized training. The network is led by a steering group which includes member companies and industry associations.

We offer:

  • Bespoke training courses devised and designed in consultation with the steering group and the industry as a whole.
  • Subsidized In-house training for companies
  • Networking events
  • Reduced rate delegate passes. For 2021 these included MIPCOM and CMC.

How does the subsidy work?

The specific level of subsidy is allocated on a course-by-course basis, according to course type, number of trainees, accreditation and location required. By combining purchasing power with the grant funding available to us through Skillnet Ireland, we can provide high quality subsidised training at a considerable discount to the normal market price. The course cost listed on our site is always the rate with the subsidy applied.

Do I need to become a member to attend a course?

Yes. But you automatically become a member once you register for a course so it couldn’t be simpler. Membership is FREE and open to both companies and sole traders/freelancers in the industry.

What trainees are eligible to attend a course?

All employees of member companies and all sole-trader/freelancer members working in the Republic of Ireland can attend our courses. For 2020, our funding parameters mean that our courses are not open to those in receipt of unemployment benefit.

What is the difference between Screen Ireland – Skills Division and Screen Skillnet?

  • Screen Ireland – Skills Division is funded through the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and it falls under the remit of Screen Ireland. Screen Skillnet is funded through the Department of Further and Higher Education.
  • While Screen Ireland – Skills Division is primarily focused on the skills needs of individuals and the sector as a whole, Skillnet Ireland is the national agency dedicated to the promotion and facilitation of workforce learning. Screen Skillnet focuses on the companies and sole- traders operating within the screen sector.
  • Screen Skillnet have the capacity to offer bespoke subsidised in-house courses for groups of employees within one company.
  • Where Screen Ireland – Skills Division award international bursaries to attend courses with specific learning outcomes, Screen Skillnet has the capacity to offer reduced rate passes to conferences and events with a more general learning outcome. For 2019 these included MIPCOMCMC and Love Broadcasting.
  • From time to time Screen Ireland – Skills Division and Screen Skillnet will run courses in partnership.

Who is on the Steering Group?

Screen Skillnet is guided by a steering group of industry professionals who are representatives from across the sector. The Steering group members are at the coal face and fully understand the needs of the industry. They help, guide and support the network and include:

  • Mike Boland (Troy Studios)
  • Kevin Burns (RTE)
  • Andrew Byrne (Virgin Media)
  • David Collins (Samson Films)
  • Stephanie Comey (BAI)
  • Tim Morris (VFXAI)
  • Elaine Geraghty (Screen Producers Ireland)
  • Birch Hamilton (Screen Directors Guild of Ireland)
  • Jacqueline Kerrin (Ripple World Pictures)
  • Stephen Murnane (Tyrell CCT)
  • John Phelan (Furthr)
  • Catherine Tiernan (Metropolitan Films)
  • Jess Drum (Screen Guilds of Ireland)

What courses are on offer?

We run courses under the silos of technical, creative and business. Check out our courses and events page to see what courses are currently available.

What is the Screen Skillnet GDPR Policy?

Trainee data is collected in line with the Skillnet Ireland Trainee Privacy Policy . All trainees attending a Screen Skillnet course are required to read the above statement and give permission for their personal data to be to processed and stored for the purposes outlined.


The course I want to attend / run for my staff is not listed on the Screen Skillnet website. Can you help?

Yes, just let us know what you need and we can discuss options for sourcing the required training. The Network Manager can be contacted at